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Door bell – Safety & Convenience

There are many times when we may wish to keep the main front door locked – at night, cold or hot weather or you may be in the studio or simply on your own.  There is a doorbell on the inside of the main door, this is can be peeled off the inside and stuck on the outside. When rung the bell chimes in the passageway and can be heard in both the studio and the main hall.

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Repairs & Maintenance

What do I do when I notice something is broken or needs repair?

Steps to take:

  1. Locate the Repairs and Maintenance Book and Sign are located inside the Hall on the wall between the 2 sets of double doors. 
  2. Write up what the problem is.
  3. If possible place the sign on the item.

Our wonderful House & Supply Officers will take the appropriate steps from there.  You can also email them at or