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Nomination Form



To be submitted by 27th May 2024

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APCH Committee Nomination Process

The APCH Committee is one of the best committees to which I have belonged. Everyone works well together and we get things done efficiently. Because Executive Committee members can only hold their role for x3 years maximum, at the upcoming AGM we will need to fill the roles of President, however I have agreed to serve another year provided we have a firm nomination no later than May 24. Please have a chat with anyone in your group that you think could undertake the role and provide them with the information about the role and skill requirements of the position. 

I believe all the other office holders are willing to continue in their current roles, but nominations for these positions would also be accepted.

Ensure that:

  • a member group actively chooses and nominates its representative, and nominations are not just from an individual member
  • nominations for any of the office bearers positions come actively from the member group and not just an individual.  
  • anyone who is nominated has been formally asked and agreed to the nomination.


Heather Morton



APCH Committee Nomination Process

  • All office bearers and committee positions are declared Vacant.
  • See information below about roles and duties for all positions.
  • Each group is required to nominate a representative and is encouraged to nominate people for the office bearers’ roles as well. 
  • Without office bearers the committee cannot function, and this will impact all groups’ access to Alexander Park Craft House.

The process:

Submit nominations via this form or forward an email trail to the Secretary showing:

  • That the Nominee has been officially requested to represent the group and/or be nominated for one of the Committee roles, and
  • That the nominee has agreed to be nominated to represent the group, and/or be nominated for one of the Committee roles.
  • the nominees full name, mobile and email
  • the Group’s name and the name and role of the person initiating the emails

Each group/sub group requires a group representative

Nomination for APCH Office Bearers

Note: President cannot also be a Group Representative. Other Office Bearers may or may not be a Group Representative



Other Office bearers


Role descriptions and skills requirements



  • Leads the Committee
  • Manages business of meetings by consulting with the Secretary
  • Convenes and presides at Committee and General Meetings
  • Undertakes tasks as agreed with the committee to achieve the Association’s objectives
  • Represents the Committee while communicating with others.
  • Assists other committee members to administer the Association’s databases, websites, social media accounts, bank accounts etc


  • Leadership skills
  • Computer skills including email, word, excel etc, and some familiarity with administering databases, websites, social media accounts etc
  • Experience running meetings
  • Ability to work collaboratively with Committee and others outside the Association



  • Deals with the Association’s correspondence
  • Consults with the President regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting
  • Prepares the notices required for meetings and for the business to be conducted at meetings
  • Keeps records of committee members
  • Maintains on behalf of the Association an up-to-date copy of the rules (constitution)
  • Ensures the safe custody of the books of the Association, other than the financial records, financial statements and financial reports
  • Maintains full and accurate minutes of committee meetings and general meetings;
  • Undertakes tasks as agreed with the committee to achieve the Association’s objectives


  • Computer skills including email, word, excel etc
  • Ability to draft agendas
  • Ability to prepare minutes
  • Ability to prepare email communications to committee members and member groups



  • Responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Association
  • Prepares and sends quarterly invoices for venue bookings
  • Records and receipts income
  • Records and receipts payments, ensuring the Committee has agreed to all expenditure
  • Prepares financial reports for meetings including an annual report for the Annual General Meeting
  • Liaises with any auditor appointed by the committee
  • Ensures the safe custody of the financial records, financial statements and financial reports
  • Undertakes tasks as agreed with the committee to achieve the Association’s objectives


  • Computer skills including email, word, excel etc, but particularly Excel
  • Willingness to learn how to generate invoices from our member database
  • Ability to prepare financial reports for the Committee
  • Ability to prepare and provide all the necessary requirements of the auditor

Booking Officer


  • Manages the database of member groups and bookings
  • Keeps an ongoing, accurate and up to date record of all the venue bookings
  • Responsible for keeping up to date records of the Association’s member groups, as required by the Act.
  • Responds to booking requests from groups and individuals in a timely manner
  • Informs the Secretary of any new members or resignations
  • Liaises with the treasurer to prepare the quarterly invoices


  • Computer skills including email, word, excel etc, but particularly Excel and some familiarity and competence with simple databases
  • Accuracy
  • Ability to work collaboratively with others

House Officer


  • Manages the maintenance of the venue
  • Manages the Maintenance File, reports of issues and their amelioration
  • Liaises with our Maintenance person, or the City of Stirling (as appropriate) to fix issues
  • Manages the garden reticulation system
  • Liaises with the cleaner
  • Reports to the Committee


  • Computer skills including email, word,
  • Ability to work collaboratively with others

Supplies Officer


  • Maintains the supplies of bathroom and cleaning products, light globes etc
  • Reports to the Committee


  • Computer skills including email, word,
  • Ability to work collaboratively with others

Website officer


  • Maintains our website and social media accounts
  • Prepares electronic newsletter for member groups following each committee meeting
  • Liaises with the booking officer to manage our database
  • Responds to any queries generated by the website or the social media accounts in a timely manner
  • Reports to the Committee


  • Computer skills including website management using WordPress, and management of social media accounts
  • Ability to prepare an electronic newsletter
  • Ability to work collaboratively with others

Click Here for Nomination Form